In the first half of 2024 we conducted multiple pilots in leading hospital chains across Australia and India. The outcomes were remarkable. These results not only align with the positive findings of our 2022 clinical trial but further highlight and unpack the significant benefits of using Lactamo, particularly during the critical first week postpartum.
Hospitals reported that providing Lactamo to new mothers set them up for breastfeeding success from day 1. Healthcare professionals reported that mothers were able to proactively avoid and reactively manage common breastfeeding challenges, sparing them from the pain and difficulties often associated with these issues.
The critical first week postpartum is when most mothers experience breastfeeding problems and is often ‘make or break’ for breastfeeding. Studies show that what a mother establishes in the vulnerable first week sets her up for her entire breastfeeding journey. There is an onus on hospitals to provide support at this key touchpoint, setting women up for the best success and the best experience in breastfeeding (if breastfeeding is their choice).
Lactamo’s focus in hospitals is on:
- Setting women up for long term success in the vulnerable ‘critical first week’
- Providing exceptional support and care at this key touchpoint in a patient’s journey
- Empowering women with a solution to proactively and reactively navigate breastfeeding beyond their hospital stay
- Enabling women to use the recommended techniques themselves, with ease and success
IBCLC, Leading national hospital chain
Lactation consultants reported Lactamo’s benefits as “exceptional” both for mothers who begin using Lactamo straight away postpartum, as well as those returning to outpatient clinics with early-stage breastfeeding concerns.