In the first half of 2024 we conducted multiple pilots in leading hospital chains across Australia and India. The outcomes were remarkable. These results not only align with the positive findings of our 2022 clinical trial but further highlight and unpack the significant benefits of using Lactamo, particularly during the critical first week postpartum. 

Hospitals reported that providing Lactamo to new mothers set them up for breastfeeding success from day 1. Healthcare professionals reported that mothers were able to proactively avoid and reactively manage common breastfeeding challenges, sparing them from the pain and difficulties often associated with these issues. 

The critical first week postpartum is when most mothers experience breastfeeding problems and is often ‘make or break’ for breastfeeding. Studies show that what a mother establishes in the vulnerable first week sets her up for her entire breastfeeding journey. There is an onus on hospitals to provide support at this key touchpoint, setting women up for the best success and the best experience in breastfeeding (if breastfeeding is their choice). 

Lactamo’s focus in hospitals is on: 

  • Setting women up for long term success in the vulnerable ‘critical first week’    
  • Providing exceptional support and care at this key touchpoint in a patient’s journey 
  • Empowering women with a solution to proactively and reactively navigate breastfeeding beyond their hospital stay 
  • Enabling women to use the recommended techniques themselves, with ease and success 


IBCLC, Leading national hospital chain

Lactation consultants reported Lactamo’s benefits as “exceptional” both for mothers who begin using Lactamo straight away postpartum, as well as those returning to outpatient clinics with early-stage breastfeeding concerns. 

Lactamo’s features help with:


Health care professionals

Hospitals reported that Lactamo demonstrated "unprecedented results", resolving 90% of all breastfeeding problems with ease and efficiency.  

One hospital network reported that for the whole of their month long Pilot their patients had zero cases of breast abscesses, which was a significant reduction from their usually high abscess numbers, and which they attributed to Lactamo. 

Hospitals reported that Lactamo is not only easy for mothers to understand and use independently but also takes less than one minute to provide to patients. Patients found Lactamo's online instructions "simple and easy to follow".  

Feedback from HCPs was that Lactamo is particularly effective in addressing engorgement, oversupply, pain, and blocked ducts, allowing mothers to apply therapeutic breast massage where it would otherwise be difficult.  

By empowering patients to take control of their own breastfeeding challenges, Pilots reported that Lactamo supports long-term success and makes managing breastfeeding issues more accessible and effective for all breast sizes. 



Feedback from patients has been that receiving Lactamo as soon as their baby is born, during their hospital stay, has been a hugely positive experience, and they felt this 'set them up for breastfeeding success'.

Patients highlighted Lactamo as the standout aspect of their hospital stay, with many going so far as saying that they felt that they couldn’t have breastfed successfully without Lactamo.  

For patients who struggled with engorgement and recurring blocked ducts with previous babies—often leading to premature weaning—they commented that Lactamo enabled a completely different, more positive breastfeeding experience the second time around.  

Mothers' feedback was that using Lactamo as soon as their baby was born helped them in many ways, in particular in managing initial engorgement postpartum and in making feeding easier as their milk came in.

Lactamo is an affordable assistance that mums need 

Head of Nursing

National Hospital Chain, India

I’ve treated mothers for the past 30 years (with a focus on lactation in particular in the last 20 years). I know the steps and Lactamo provides an easy solution. Lactamo resolves everything beautifully.  


Lactation Lead, National Hospital Chain

The results in our hospital network were unprecedented. Every woman should have a Lactamo from day 1. 

Midwife Unit Manager

Private Australian Hospital

Leading Innovation for breastfeeding

Our Awards

Business NSW
"Outstanding Startup" 2021

“Best New Business
Idea" 2020

MedTech Actuator
Award Australia & India 2019